Additional Resources
Out-of-School Time (OST) is supervised programming that youth regularly participate in before school, after school, and during summer break. These programs keep young people safe, provide child care for working families, and organize activities that help youth develop skills and improve academically. Sometimes, these programs are collectively referred to as “afterschool”.
More resources to start an Afterschool program
Your one stop shop for all things afterschool in Iowa!
School age children and youth spend 80% of their waking hours outside of school, while 1 in 5 young people in the US are alone after the school day ends. High quality programs promote positive youth development and offer a safe space where students can explore their potential.
Snacks and Meals
Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)
This webpage from the U.S. Department of Agriculture provides information and resources on the CACFP program and how it applies to afterschool programs, including information on how to participate in at-risk afterschool meals, frequently asked questions, athletic programs and afterschool meal service, and more.