Create a licensed center
Out-of-School Time (OST) is supervised programming that youth regularly participate in before school, after school, and during summer break. These programs keep young people safe, provide child care for working families, and organize activities that help youth develop skills and improve academically. Sometimes, these programs are collectively referred to as “afterschool”.
Licensed Centers and Funding Sources
So you'd like to create a licensed child care center? Wonderful!
After school programs can be sustained and improved, but this doesn’t happen easily or by accident! Creating a licensed center that can sustain itself through a combination of state childcare dollars, fees, and additional grant funding can be a smart way to insure the sustainability of your 21CCLC for years beyond the final grant cycle.
Additional sources of funding for the sustainability of programs include:
Title 1
At Risk dollars
Local grants
Business partnerships
These additional funding resources can be explored further on our "Afterschool Resources" page.